The True Cost Campaign 
It all started with an idea. How can a campaign about sustainability be branded and marketed to the public in a unique way.  
I spoke with people from my community to see what they are doing or would like to do to contribute to a sustainable lifestyle. Then I created a mindmap showing their awareness of sustainability. I found out that everyone contributes to sustainability in their own way. Although most people think of sustainability in forms of recycling I was able to help them see that by purchasing only used cars or by turning off 90% of their electricity when their business is closed also contributes to a sustainable lifestyle. 
From there the campaign started. A logo was created by comparing the earth the a precious gem and merging the two for the poster campaign. For the website I wanted to show how easy it would be to compost common everyday food waste without having a compost bin. To bring the compost part of the campaign home a product was create to show that worms can be your friend. The packaging also educated the audience with facts about composting.   
Wanting to create a brand identity for two of my favorite things, coffee and yoga I came up with Asante. Asante is a place where you can enjoy a nice cup of coffee or have a healthy snack. A place where community is encouraged and thoughts can be shared. It is also a place to stretch and release stress with a yoga class.  
With Asante being a casual place I opted for a fun and laid back text for the business name. Wanting a versatile logo the best way to do that was to show a person in tree pose holding a large cup of coffee. The logo will allow for the business to have brand recognition without the text. It all comes together with colors that are vibrantly down to earth. 

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