I studied Design Communication Arts through UCLAx where I graduated with distinction. My internship was through Cirak Studios in LA which lead to long term contract work in UX and UI Design as well as UX Research. I also independently freelance UX/UI and Graphic Design. My love of UX and Human Centered Design paves the path in my design work when creating wireframes, user journeys, webpages, native apps, layouts, iconography as well as prototyping.
Having an interest in writing I have written for 360Wichita about historical and current events in the city. My poetry has also been published.
Being a self taught photographer I mentored with Craig Havens where we did a depth of field study and product photography. Working for Will Crockett I created and edited videos teaching photographers how to create Hybrid Photography. I also worked on social media management as well as created social media ad banners.
Want to see some of my independent projects? Click here.
Now for the fun stuff. I have a love of hiking and bouldering. When on a hike I am the one who climbs the large boulders (getting off them is a different story). Yoga and meditation has been a part of my life since I can remember. I once spent a week at a yoga/meditation retreat where we all lived in a community setting, I was put on kitchen duty pealing potatoes. I have since expanded from peeling potatoes to actually cooking them! Life without coffee, well, I can't tell you what that's like.
Want to know the juicy stuff? Contact me, just kidding. You will need to buy me coffee first, haha! Let's work together and talk about design. Just hit the contact button on the upper left. Yes that one and we can talk about me designing for you.
Have a beautiful day!